Get UGC NET PYQ OR Study Notes Pdf

Subject Code Subject NameDownload Link
01 EconomicsDownload
02 Political ScienceDownload
03 PhilosophyDownload
04 PsychologyDownload
05 SociologyDownload
06 HistoryDownload
07 AnthropologyDownload
08 CommerceDownload
09 EducationDownload
10 Social WorkDownload
11 Defence and Strategic StudiesDownload
12 Home ScienceDownload
14 Public AdministrationDownload
15 Population StudiesDownload
16 MusicDownload
17 ManagementDownload
18 MaithiliDownload
19 BengaliDownload
20 HindiDownload
21 KannadaDownload
22 MalayalamDownload
23 OriyaDownload
24 PunjabiDownload
25 SanskritDownload
26 TamilDownload
27 TeluguDownload
28 UrduDownload
29 ArabicDownload
30 EnglishDownload
31 LinguisticsDownload
32 ChineseDownload
33 DogriDownload
34 NepaliDownload
35 ManipuriDownload
36 AssameseDownload
37 GujaratiDownload
38 MarathiDownload
39 French (French Version)Download
40 SpanishDownload
41 RussianDownload
42 PersianDownload
43 RajasthaniDownload
44 GermanDownload
45 JapaneseDownload
46 Adult EducationDownload
47 Physical EducationDownload
49 Arab Culture and Islamic StudiesDownload
50 Indian CultureDownload
55 Labour WelfareDownload
58 LawDownload
59 Library and Information ScienceDownload
60 Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian and Peace StudiesDownload
62 Comparative Study of ReligionsDownload
63 Mass Communication and JournalismDownload
65 Performing Art – Dance/Drama/TheatreDownload
66 Museology & ConservationDownload
67 ArchaeologyDownload
68 CriminologyDownload
70 Tribal and Regional Language/LiteratureDownload
71Folk LiteratureDownload
72 Comparative LiteratureDownload
73 Sanskrit traditionalDownload
74 Women StudiesDownload
79 Visual ArtDownload
80 GeographyDownload
81 Social Medicine & Community HealthDownload
82 Forensic ScienceDownload
83 PaliDownload
84 KashmiriDownload
85 KonkaniDownload
87 Computer Science and ApplicationsDownload
88 Electronic ScienceDownload
89 Environmental Sciences (EVS)Download
90 Politics including International RelationsDownload
91 PrakritDownload
92 Human Rights and DutiesDownload
93 Tourism Administration and Management.Download
94 BODODownload