
Welcome to the price page of, where we provide various study materials, including study notes, papers, mock tests, and courses for the NTA UGC NET Exam. Below are the details of our pricing:

  1. NTA UGC NET Previous Year Paper 1st: 100Rs
  2. NTA UGC NET Paper 2nd Previous Year Paper: 50Rs for every 80 subjects.
  3. UGC NET Paper 1 Study Notes: 300Rs to 1000Rs, depending on the subject and the course duration.
  4. UGC NET Paper 2nd Study Notes: 500Rs to 1500Rs, depending on the subject and the course duration.
  5. UGC NET Paper 1 Course: 700Rs to 2000Rs, depending on the subject and the course duration.

Please note that the prices mentioned above are subject to change as per our offer and course duration. For more details, please contact us through our contact page or email us at We hope to help you in your preparation for the NTA UGC NET Exam.